
Albuterol (salbutamol)

ventolinI have had to buy Generic Ventolin for most of my life, since my mom first discovered it could be used to tackle my asthma as a kid. It helped me sleep through the night and breathe well enough, so I could play soccer. Since I like breathing, I’ve been on a range of medicines for decades from Symbicort to Flovent to Ciclesonide. All of which have potentially unpleasant side effects. However, Generic Ventolin has been around for so long, the side effects have been managed. It could be the safest asthma drug you can buy in Canada.

Most generic forms of Ventolin came off the market in 2018, and still have yet to enter it again, I didn’t know why, but I did see the price go up. So, I started looking for alternatives. That’s when I discovered that it doesn’t just come in an inhaler.

The Safest Asthma Medicine

As a Canadian, I did not know Generic Ventolin came in pill form, as a preventative — just like Flovent and Symbicort. Somehow this information had escaped my knowledge. I wonder why?

So, when I found out the safest asthma medicine came in pill form, I did some research on its effectiveness. First, I confirmed it is real and safe. Then I checked the price. Generic Ventolin pills have a rough price of 70 cents a dose as I look at it today. That means it is probably the cheapest asthma preventative on the market in Canada.

I managed to order some pills without prescription. Without prescription, it was less than a Symbicort inhaler in price per dose.

I’ve even had the pills delivered in a couple of days, even without prescription. So, if you notice that your prescription is running out, you can buy it from an online pharmacy quick. That is even faster than I can get an appointment with my doctor.

Where to Buy Generic Ventolin

2mg × 30 tablets
2mg × 60 tablets
2mg × 90 tablets
2mg × 120 tablets
2mg × 180 tablets
2mg × 360 tablets
Free Shipping
4mg × 30 tablets
4mg × 60 tablets
4mg × 90 tablets
4mg × 120 tablets
4mg × 180 tablets
Free Shipping

I can buy generic Ventolin at my local pharmacy. Yet, it’s fairly expensive. I have seen a price of up to a dollar per dose in the past, mostly when I do not have coverage. Online, I can see a better price. The online cost can save me up to 200 dollars if I buy in bulk. That’s a great price, one I simply can’t disregard.

I did all this because there were very few Generic Ventolin inhalers available. I asked my pharmacist and my doctor why. But neither of them knew why Generic Ventolin inhalers were unavailable. I found out, after a year or so, that some change in regulations caused the inhalers to go through re-approval. Unfortunately, that caused cost in some instances to skyrocket. In Canada, I really noticed the difference in price when I was not covered during a job transition. That’s why I looked for alternatives, and I found these pills.

In that time of my life, the cost of these Generic Ventolin pills was a godsend. The price fit my budget, and I could focus my attention on other things, like job hunting or taking care of my kids. It really reassured me in a difficult time.

Let me list the Advantages of Purchasing Generic Ventolin Online.

  • The cost to buy is as low as to 70 cents a dose.
  • Faster delivery without prescription.
  • No need to arrange a doctor’s appointment.
  • No more waiting at the pharmacy.

If you need to buy at a lower price for any reason, prefer to avoid side effects like thrush, or need the pills in a hurry, Generic Ventolin tablets are a very good alternative.